EMPOWER Cross Scientific Missions
EMPOWER organises together with PAWR, site visits in both Europe and the USA. The aim of these visits is to give a first-hand view of the different approaches considered on both sides of the Atlantic, understanding the strong and weak points of the different strategies followed by the different sites. The visits will consider all the experimental facilities discussed in the 5G-PPP Trials WG, with a starting point on the 5G-PPP Experimental Facilities Cartography. The main objective is to strengthen cooperation between the European Union and the US, setting a collaborative transatlantic community on the new connectivity frontiers beyond 5G, with the ambition to accelerate the joint development of the associated advanced wireless platforms.
The planned visits are bi-lateral, a delegation from PAWR and NSF is coming to Europe to meet the selected facilities (Madrid, Sophia Antipolis and Oslo) and discuss experimentation with some of the scientists running them. In the same way, European scientists will travel to the USA to meet the PAWR facilities.
The first stop is Madrid and 5TONIC, the open research and innovation laboratory on 5G technologies, founded by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks, received a US researchers’ delegation this morning. More details and the agenda of the visit.
Third stop is Oslo and 5G-VINNI Norwegian Facility which is managed and hosted by Telenor Research, where different demos on how use cases are implemented and tested on the platform were shown to the US delegation. More details and the agenda of the visit is.